
Order or make reservations directly from your favorite businesses and restaurants

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Lieferbuddy: Business All-In-One. Onlineshop, POS, reservation system, webdesign and more.
0% commission model. Monthly fixed price. Customizable shop, POS devices, reservation and checkout software for your business.
Become a Business Partner
0% commission model. Monthly fixed price. Customizable shop, POS devices, reservation and checkout software for your business. Accept food orders through Order with Google.
Order in just a few steps on your mobile phone, tablet or PC. Lieferbuddy makes ordering and online reservations very easy.
Ordering and Reservations
Order in just a few steps on your mobile phone, tablet or PC. Lieferbuddy makes ordering and online reservations very easy. You can now order from our partner merchants through Order with Google.
Attractive pricing for customers. 0% commission model for hospitality, retail and more. Ordering without middleman and All-In-One package for businesses.
Exclusively with Lieferbuddy
Attractive pricing for customers. 0% commission model for hospitality, retail and more. Ordering without middleman and All-In-One package for businesses.

Lieferbuddy App Support local businesses. With the new Lieferbuddy App.

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